Coaching Sessions 

Face yoga one-on-one sessions begin with a discussion of concerns/questions you may have regarding issues that are personal to you. Then we will do a few warm-up exercises and/or self-massage with acupressure followed by poses that address your needs. We may work on two or three poses or several depending on time. Most sessions end with a cool down, a relaxation period.

Sessions are designed to cleanse toxins from your system, enhance circulation to your face and neck, reduce stress and uplift your mood all while strengthening and toning your facial muscles.

Consultation is free. I want to get to know you and your needs and see how they match up to my skills to be sure I am the proper fit for you. Face yoga is not a quick fix. It takes effort over time to bring about lasting change. Sometimes you can see and feel differences very soon after beginning the exercises; however, ongoing consistency is what makes these changes last. This is a lifelong commitment. Once you learn the exercises, they are yours for life.


Individual Sessions

Individual one-hour sessions are $50. We meet via FaceTime or Zoom. Once weekly recommended. As you progress, less instruction will be needed unless new issues arise. That said, it is good to keep abreast of new poses and the latest techniques. I have a lifetime membership with the Face Yoga Method team and we often exchange ideas and experiences that enhance my practice with the most current methods to address your needs.



We meet via Zoom.  Group sessions are 1.5 hours and require a minimum of three people and a maximum of five.  $35/person.


“Thank you, Tracy. You were a bright spot in our weekend (retreat). I admire greatly what you are doing.” – Martha B.

“Tracy walked me through each exercise and explained how those particular muscles worked. She gave me additional information to help my daughter with her migraines and directed me if I was doing anything incorrectly. She motivated me to develop new habits. She is a great teacher.” — Gloria B.

“It was perfect- the pace was good, I loved the number of poses (I thought we got many!) and I loved getting to know what it is. I found that I felt more emotionally alive after exercising my face. I think it’s because our face and emotions are so connected.” – Atieno B.
